Above: Interactive map displaying key information

Pre-Application Consultation

LanzaTech is seeking the views of local residents and businesses as part of our planning application to build an industrial facility to turn ethanol into sustainable aviation fuel at Crown Wharf, Port Talbot Docks. This is part of a formal Pre-Application Consultation (PAC), which will run until 13 September 2023. During this time, we plan on attending existing local community events to maximise opportunities for feedback. We will update this website when these dates and times are confirmed. We encourage you to register to receive project updates at the bottom of this page.

LanzaTech first consulted on its proposals in June, including online and in-person consultation events. The information displayed at these events can be seen on the project website, including a recording of the live webinar and Q&A event.

As part of the PAC, we have provided a summary of the draft planning application documents below. These documents will be finalised following the PAC process and submitted to Neath Port Talbot Council. We have also summarised the key considerations and where this information can be found on the interactive plan in this section where you can click on the information buttons to find out more.

You can share your feedback and any questions with us by completing the form or using the contact methods provided lower down on this page.

Draft application documents

You can download (⭳) and view the draft application documents by clicking on the links below.

⭳ Covering Letter – introduces the application that would be submitted.

⭳ Planning Application Forms – provides high-level detail relating to the site and the proposed development. 

⭳ Flood Consequence Assessment  reviews the proposed development to assess against the risk of flooding and demonstrates how this would be managed.

⭳ Outline Drainage Strategy – sets out the strategy to manage surface water drainage on the proposed development site.

⭳ Associated Appendices Pt 1
⭳ Associated Appendices Pt 2

⭳ Illustrative Landscape Strategy – details the landscaping proposed as part of the development.

⭳ Odour Note – sets out the assessments and any required management relating to the odour generated by the development.

⭳ Sustainability and Energy Statement – summarises the sustainability and energy considerations relevant to the development, including matters such as energy efficiency / use.

⭳ Preliminary Waste Management Strategy – summarises the methods of waste storage, presentation, and collection for the proposed development once operational.

⭳ Framework Construction Environmental Management Plan - provides detailed plan for managing construction on site.

⭳ Design and Access Statement – sets out the detailed design of the proposed facility, including visualisations to show how this could look and details of how it will be accessed.

⭳ Transport Assessment – summarises the transport impacts resulting from the development and the management proposed (including access plans).

⭳ Lighting Assessment – details the lighting required for the development.

⭳ Fire Safety Design Review – takes into account the proposed development, its design and construction including the compartmentation strategy and means of escape.

⭳ Arboricultural Baseline Note – considers the potential impact of the proposals on the environment, specifically in relation to trees.

⭳ Archaeology and Heritage Assessment – summarises the assessments that have been undertaken into the archaeology on the site.

⭳ Planning Statement including Draft Planning Obligations – sets out the planning case for the proposed development.

⭳ PDZ (Crown Wharf) Phase 1 Desk Study – provides a preliminary land contamination assessment and geotechnical assessment of land at the application site.

⭳ PDZ Exploratory Ground Investigation Report (Phase 1) – provides a detailed geotechnical and geoenvironmental assessment of the application site.

⭳ Margam Wharf Phase 1 Report – provides a preliminary land contamination assessment and geotechnical assessment of land at the former Margam Wharf.

⭳ Detailed UXO Risk Assessment – provides a risk assessment of the potential for historic unexploded devices at the application site.

Technical Plans – illustrating the site location, design details of proposed plots and visualisations, plus detail of the existing site. We have grouped the technical plans by theme below.

⭳ Site Location
⭳ Proposed Site and Plot Plans
⭳ Existing Site
⭳ External Surface Finishes
⭳ Ownership Boundary
⭳ EIA Study Area Boundary
⭳ Proposed Site Plan PDZ and Temporary Construction Areas
⭳ Proposed Site Fencing Layout
⭳ Existing Site Sections
⭳ Proposed Site Sections
⭳ Proposed Floor Plans, Elevations and 3D Views

Environmental Statement – report that follows the Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report (the summary of this can be seen here) and provides a description of likely significant environmental effects that the proposed development could cause, as well as any enhancement or proposed mitigation to avoid, reduce or offset environment effects. For ease, we have separated the report by chapter number below together with the associated appendices and figures.

⭳ Contents Page

⭳ Chapter 1: Introduction
⭳Associated Appendices

⭳ Chapter 2: Approach to EIA
⭳ Associated Appendices
⭳ EIA Scoping Report on Neath Port Talbot Council’s Website

⭳ Chapter 3: Site Context

⭳ Chapter 4: Development Specification
⭳ Associated Figures

⭳ Chapter 5: Consideration of Alternatives
⭳ Associated Figures

⭳ Chapter 6: Major Accidents and/or Disasters
⭳ Associated Appendices

⭳ Chapter 7: Terrestrial Ecology (unavailable for PAC, with details being available on submission of the planning application)
⭳ Associated Appendices

⭳ Chapter 8: Landscape and Visual
⭳ Associated Figures - Pt 1
⭳ Associated Figures - Pt 2
⭳ Associated Appendices Pt 1
⭳ Associated Appendices Pt 2
⭳ Associated Appendices Pt 3
⭳ Associated Appendices Pt 4
⭳ Associated Appendices Pt 5
⭳ Associated Appendices Pt 6
⭳ Associated Appendices Pt 7

⭳ Chapter 9: Socio-Economics and Human Health
⭳ Associated Appendices

⭳ Chapter 10: Climate Change

⭳ Chapter 11: Air Quality
⭳ Associated Figures
⭳ Associated Appendices

⭳ Chapter 12: Noise and Vibration
⭳ Associated Figures
⭳ Associated Appendices

⭳ Chapter 13: Marine Ecology
⭳ Associated Figures
⭳ Associated Appendices

⭳ Chapter 14: Assessment of Cumulative Effects
⭳ Associated Figures

⭳ Chapter 15: Summary of ES

⭳ Volume 3 – Environmental Management Plan

⭳ Volume 4 – Non-Technical Summary

Contact us

We invite you to share any questions and feedback with us by using the contact methods below. The formal Pre-Application Consultation period will run from 14 August – 13 September 2023.

E: contact@LanzaDragon.wales

T: Phone our Freephone number 0808 168 8296 and a member of the project team will call you back

A: Write to LanzaTech Consultation Team, 18 Windsor Place, Cardiff, CF10 3BY

The information you provide will be used only for the purposes of keeping you informed and for understanding public opinion on the project. It will be stored securely until completion of the project, after which this information will be deleted. Your information will only be shared with third parties for the express purpose of keeping you informed of the proposals, and with LanzaTech and/or the relevant local authority where there is a legal obligation to do so. It will not be forwarded on to any other third parties. You can contact us at any time to request the deletion of your information. Please contact us at contact@LanzaDragon.wales